Cacao Pulp

Inside of every cacao pod, packed with tasty cacao beans, you’ll also find the white and sticky cacao pulp. In the past this sweet and soft ingredient was considered a waste product, and typically more than 75% of the pulp is discarded – but not any more!

For a more sustainable and respectful use of the cacao, we love to be able to make the most of every available part. The sweet and fruity flavour of cacao pulp is something new for most chocolate lovers, and we’re excited to be able to bring this new experience to our clients and customers.

It’s a great way to showcase the unique character of the cacao pulp, while building an experience that's profoundly linked to the origins of cacao.

We offer cacao pulp in liquid form and as a juice, as well as powdered, and in chocolate too.

Whether you try it as a drink, a delicious addition to a chocolate bar or in any of the many future applications – we know that it’s an experience you won’t regret trying.